Beyoncé takes the stage in Stockholm, Sweden
Cologne, Germany
Paris, France
Edinburgh, Scotland
Marseille, France
Warsaw, Poland
Stockholm, Sweden
Edinburgh, Scotland
Marseille, France
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Stockholm, Sweden
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
London, United Kingdom
Warsaw, Poland
London, United Kingdom
Brussels, Belgium
London, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
Paris, France
Warsaw, Poland
Frankfurt, Germany
Brussels, Belgium
London, United Kingdom
Sunderland, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
Warsaw, Poland
London, United Kingdom
Paris, France
London, United Kingdom
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Hamburg, Germany
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Barcelona, Spain
Paris, France
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Frankfurt, Germany
Sunderland, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
Edinburgh, Scotland
Marseille, France
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Warsaw, Poland
London, United Kingdom
Warsaw, Poland
Edinburgh, Scotland